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Service Terms​


We will provide repair and fault resolution services, as may be required for your service request, in relation to your equipment.

We will use all reasonable endeavours to provide you with your desired outcome to our services, due to a number of potential issues relating to your equipment we cannot guarantee that we will be able to provide any specific service outcome.

You confirm that you have all necessary rights and third-party consents as may require enabling us to perform your service request.


All repair work comes with a 3-month limited warranty to cover issues with repaired components only, which are the manufacturer's fault and does not include issues caused through the use or misuse of your device.


Any screens replaced on modern Apple devices, where possible, will have their display data cloned to the new display ensuring TrueTone is still available.


Unknown-part / non-genuine part message may show in settings after a screen/camera/battery replacement as I am not a certified Apple service provider - see here for more info about why this message occurs.


Whilst I do replace water/dust resistant seals upon reassembly of your device, we do not guarantee any level of water/dust resistance after having worked on a device.

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